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About DrukSmart Cares

DrukSmart Cares is a testament to our belief that corporate success should be intertwined with social responsibility.

After SIX years of inception we embark on this philanthropic journey, we envision a Bhutan where every individual has the opportunity to lead a healthy, educated, and empowered life.


DrukSmart Cares aspires to be a catalyst for positive change, contributing to the nation's well-being and sustainable development.

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Our Mission

DrukSmart Cares is committed to fostering a brighter future for Bhutan by focusing on key Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligning its efforts with the national interests of the Kingdom. Our mission is focused on:

Good Health and Well-being

Quality Education

Gender Equality

Climate Action

Partnerships for the Goals

Making a Difference Together: DrukSmart CARES and Karma Kelvin

In collaboration with Oie Wheels, we have donated essential hygiene products to Karma Kelvin, a dedicated group that serves the needy across Bhutan.

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Supporting Education: A Journey of Hope with Pema Bumden Tshomo.

Pema is a bright and enthusiastic 7-year-old girl who attends Sephu Primary School in Punakha. Currently in Class One, Pema has shown remarkable promise and an eagerness to learn. Despite the challenges that come with limited resources, her determination and zest for education are truly inspiring

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A Bright Beginning: Tenzin Wangmo Receives DrukSmart CARES Scholarship

Today, we celebrate one such moment as we introduce Tenzin Wangmo, the newest recipient of the prestigious DrukSmart CARES scholarship

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